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Roundup: “Cars & Calendars”


Tuesday Feb 20, 2024
From the messy desk of Amanda Eichstaedt

Cars & Calendars

I know that some of us still use paper calendars for keeping track of things, but our digital choices for keeping track of things with “smart phones” are almost endless. I finally got my calendars between my work computer, my laptop and my phone to sync, which made for a much more reliable Amanda.

Do you remember on holidays when you would receive a calendar with your genre of choice or obsession (be it cars, cats, people in swimsuits, or birds) displayed one per month for your year-long enjoyment? Always a music lover, sometimes the square calendars would be mistaken for albums, but no, just a calendar.  

These are a few of my favorite things….  photo: AE

I am very picky about my calendars, and until KWMR enacted our calendars for our monthly sustaining members, The Calendar Club, I struggled. Some calendars were too big, or did not display the month prior and the next month adequately for planning purposes. One year I stopped in at a local shop that sold calendars, and I was a bit off the back, but all they had was “witches” or “backyard birds” and neither had the requisite previous and following month option. It ultimately got recycled, in June. I opted for backyard birds. Yeah, I’m boring like that.

Jeff Manson, KWMR’s Program Director, had a very cool calendar that featured, including a photo of his sons with glowing eyes, a “Toyota Previa” calendar. It’s a thing! He loved that calendar, and he digs his kids, and his wife Van (and his van, too).

I am really here today to thank all of our Calendar Club and our Vehicle Donation folks. It’s a big deal for KWMR. When you want to get rid of an old vehicle that isn’t doing you any favors any longer, you can donate it to KWMR. We work with CARS and they handle all the details. They take a cut, but we get the lion’s share. Click HERE for vehicle donation info. And no, we do not have cars here at the radio station, it’s a beautiful thing that we don’t need to deal with the vehicles.

Our sustaining donors, over 270 households help take the edge off KWMR’s funky revenue streams (2 pledge drives, our Corporation for Public Broadcasting funds), and help us keep the lights on, and the bills paid. Click HERE to join the Calendar Club. We will send you a calendar, they are still good for 10 more months!

It is not a big deal for KWMR to send calendars out to the participants in the sustaining program. I have had a few people say that they would rather not get a gift like this. I can tell you that it would be a lot more work for us to figure out who to not send one to, so if you don’t want your calendar, then gift it to someone who will use it!  And heck, it’s magnetic so stick it to something metal where it might be helpful to others.

Possible donation candidate….  photo: Pexels

And if you don’t have a vehicle to donate, maybe you know of one sitting somewhere and the owners might not know that all you need is the title and CARS will take it away

Stay dry, people!!
Amanda Eichstaedt
Station Manager/Executive Director

1:30am - 5:00am
Someday You'll Be Sorry
Ruby Braff